Friday 11 August 2017

Celebrating Maths Week

Mapping the way to Hansel and Gretel's House.

We were challenged to think about the question "How do we know where we are?"
We brainstormed lots of ideas and watched a video of the story of Hansel and Gretel. We had to think about the best way to show someone how to find them. Here is what we came up with!

We felt excited to do this experiment. It was really fun and it was a bit challenging to work together to write the instructions. Our instructions ... errrr. WRONG! We needed to get the squares in the right place. By Finn and Eddie

We drew a map and wrote instructions. Then we gave it to another person in the classroom to follow our instructions and find the way around the map. Our instructions were not right! To make it right we needed to put less squares in some instructions. By Poppy and Stevie

Brody and Tristan tested out our instructions and map and it was super WRONG! We needed to put the squares in the right place and be careful when writing the instructions. It made us feel scared because we wondered if it was going to be right or wrong. We were nervous but we enjoyed it! By Ben and Cameron


  1. Those maps were very challiging and fun.

  2. Ella didn't follow my instrucoin
